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<February 2025>


At world level the collective promotion in favour of pasta received a powerful impulsion thanks to the outcome of the World Pasta Congress held in Rome on 25th October 1995.
Delegations from various countries discussed together the theme of the collective promotion in favour of pasta consumption, exchanging their ideas and experiences.
Account was taken and stress was laid on the importance of spreading to the utmost the knowledge of pasta among consumers throughout the world by means of collective initiatives of promotional nature and institutional information campaigns.
The countries with greatest experience in this field made available their know-how for the benefit of those countries which have only recently come to realise the virtues and merits of pasta. The ambitious project of organising on a world-wide basis World Pasta Day on 25th October of each year, for the purpose of recalling and enhancing the first event that saw the gathering of the international pasta community was successfully carried through, thanks to the efforts of the Steering Committee, consisting of representatives of the National Pasta Association (United States), of UN.A.F.P.A. and of the Associations of Venezuela and of Turkey, set up to co-ordinate the organisation of this important event.
UN.A.F.P.A. carried out an important task of co-ordination of the initiative and thereafter saw to the collection and spreading of information on the various initiatives undertaken for World Pasta Day in the various countries of the world.
For more information you can visit the following website

These are principles based on the idea:

  • On 25th October of each year, the world over, World Pasta Day is celebrated in the form of events and promotional initiatives in different countries of the world.
  • The objective of World Pasta Day is to draw the attention of the media and consumers to pasta. Communication should underline the fact that pasta is a global food, consumed in all five continents, having unquestionable merits, appropriate for a dynamic and healthy life style capable of meeting both primary food requirements and those of high-level gastronomy
  • Every country celebrates World Pasta Day in absolute autonomy, while respecting a global strategy, and making use of the official logo of the event;
  • The key messages, recurring in the various communication initiatives, emphasise the economic feasibility, gastronomic versatility and nutritional value of pasta.

For further information about the different promotional activites carried out by the various EU member states, please contact the respective Associations Members of UN.A.F.P.A.
